Monday, March 22, 2010

Lots of firsts!...and LOTS of pictures!

I guess everything is a first when a baby is going through her first year, but it is amazing to see her grow and develop. We have been busy with this little girl-she is E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E! She went from rolling to crawling to standing in like 3 weeks! She is so brave as she tries to reach and move her feet and-oh- ledges! Lots of bruises and scratches and surprisingly not as many tears as I would have imagined! She' s pretty tough! Her personality is fiery, determined, and she is happy and smiley lots! Lately she had developed this lamb-y noise that she does when super excited and frustrated. So cute!

First ride in a cart (without her car seat-I know-I'm weird)
First Easter egg (yes, I know it's early)

First strawberry-Hello!-One bite at a time dolly!
First sled ride (not by herself!)
First slide-with mom!
I have also been getting in touch with my crafty side- it's been fun to see what happens!
Like these next 3 dresses and shoes!

You would think that since Arlie is 5 months older that Ella would show some respect, but I think that Ella just got done pulling Arlie's hair!
Brynlee-18 months
What a fun bunch!